Send an employee or sponsor RYLA
Information for businesses
Soft Skills
RYLA works to develop young people to changemakers who are driven by personal development and professional excellence. To make lasting change across the globe, in their communities, and in themselves, young people need to develop the same soft skills that are needed by businesses all around the country.


Planning and organising

Empathy and resilience




Problem solving

Goal setting

Conflict resolution

Global leadership


Reflective learning
A recent report by Deloitte Access Economics and DeakinCo showed that:
A workforce with a broad mix of skills is crucial for business success and national prosperity. Businesses with more skilled staff have higher rates of innovation and productivity. And academic literature has found a consistent relationship between human capital and economic growth.
Formal qualifications and technical skills are only part of the requirements for modern employees. ‘Soft skills’ and personal attributes are just as important to success. Indeed ten of the sixteen ‘crucial proficiencies in the 21st century’ identified by the World Economic Forum are non-technical.
RYLA develops these soft skills in our participants by bringing together a selection of experts in their fields to deliver topics and interactive sessions. We give participants a safe place to practice these skills with their peers and most importantly, space to stop and reflect each day.
The value of these soft skills are outlined in a report by Deloitte Access Economics and Deakin Co, see: Soft skills for business success

Expression of Interest process
If you wish for an employee to attend RYLA, follow the following steps:
- Have the employee complete the expression of interest form here and make an $80 payment for attendance (this will be refunded if we cannot connect them to a club).
- If you don’t have details and sponsorship agreement from a sponsoring Rotary Club, the employee will be linked to a local club who will arrange a time for to meet with them to discuss the application.
- They will be advised of the details for transport to the conference. The sponsoring Rotary Club will take the employee to a bus stop.
- Your employee will attend RYLA.
Following RYLA the employee will be asked to present at the sponsoring Rotary Club about experiences at the conference and be involved in at least two of their community projects. We also encourage you to attend that presentation and perhaps have the staff member speak at a staff meeting.
RYLA is a fantastic professional and personal development opportunity for your young employees and is provided free of charge; funding from this program is from community donations and grants. All RYLA will cost your business is a week off work for the employee. We would also hope that you might consider supporting them with appropriate leave to assist them in attending.